Raspberry Rally Girl Scout Cookies Have Been Discontinued for 2024

Fans rallied for Raspberry Rally, but that wasn't enough to save this Girl Scout Cookie.

Many fans of Girl Scout Cookies never even got to taste the latest treat—and now it may be too late.

The new Raspberry Rally cookie had a catchy name and a fresh flavor. Raspberry Rally was a twist on Thin Mints, which is almost every state’s favorite Girl Scout Cookie. Like Thin Mints, the cookies were thin, crispy and dipped in smooth chocolaty coating. But instead of being jazzed up with mint, these cookies were infused with raspberry flavor. Our new Girl Scout Cookie review praised Raspberry Rally for its “mild chocolaty flavor” and “not-too-sweet raspberry taste.”

It joined the Girl Scout Cookie lineup for 2023 but won’t be available during the cookie season in 2024.

Raspberry Rally Has Been Discontinued

Girl Scouts Raspberry Rally CookieCourtesy Girl Scouts of the USA

Instead of being able to buy Raspberry Rally cookies from your favorite neighborhood Girl Scout, cookie monsters had to buy them online. A little less personal, perhaps. But it did allow people who don’t know a Girl Scout, or who live far away from where the Scouts set up their sales tables, to get in on the fun. And they sure did, because Raspberry Rally cookies sold out quickly!

But popularity couldn’t save the flavor. A representative for Girl Scouts of the USA didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment, but as CNN Business reports, the Raspberry Rally has run its course. The boxed treat won’t be sold this upcoming cookie season, which runs from January to April 2024.

“While Raspberry Rally was extremely popular last year, we are taking a pause this season to prioritize supplying our classic varieties,” the Girl Scouts of the USA said in a statement to CNN.

What’s next for Raspberry Rally?

Girl Scouts New Raspberry Rally CookieCourtesy Girl Scouts of the USA

While it’s possible the flavor will never return, we’re holding out some serious hope. “Taking a pause” sounds better than “moving on from” or “replacing with a new flavor.” Since the Raspberry Rally cookie sold so quickly, maybe the Scouts will bring them back in 2025—whether online-only or through the regular selling channels.

For now, Raspberry Rally fans can stock up on eBay, where the boxes are being sold for anywhere from $24.99 to $200.

You might want to try one of our many copycat Girl Scout cookie recipes. While we don’t have a recipe for Raspberry Rally, I bet if you used raspberry flavoring instead of peppermint in the Thin Mint recipe, you might come close. Happy baking!

Recipes for People Who Love Raspberry
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Gael Fashingbauer Cooper
Gael Fashingbauer Cooper is a pop culture junkie and the co-author of Whatever Happened to Pudding Pops and The Totally Sweet '90s. She covers TV, movies, books and pop culture, as well as food news of all kinds. Gael is a weblog pioneer who started her first blog, Pop Culture Junk Mail, in 1999.